Virtualbox ubuntu kernel panic
Virtualbox ubuntu kernel panic

I checked everything that was written on this topic, but things mostly happened when people were putting new kernels on - so described solutions didn't work for me. Those methods are more flexible, but less reliable.I got obviously very famous "Kernel panic - not syncing: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(0,0)". Kdump: boots a secondary Linux kernel that inspects the panicked kernel. There are however serial connectors with an Ethernet server which I would recommend instead if your target exposes serial, e.g. Serial cables have quite limited maximum wire lengths, which is problematic if you want to have all the boards of your company on a remote room to share resources across developers. Works for systems that don't have serial exposed such as modern laptops Supposes panic didn't break networking, which is more likely than the serial. There are even fancier methods mentioned at: Determining cause of Linux kernel panic | Unix & Linux Stack Exchange More details at: What is the difference between ttys0, ttyUSB0 and ttyAMA0 in Linux? Real hardware: the serial port is not exposed on most modern laptops, which is a shame. Here's a minimal setup to reproduce the problem: to file: Write QEMU booting virtual machine output to a file | Super console: How to switch to qemu monitor console when running with "-curses" | Stack Overflow.VirtualBox: How does one Capture the Entire Kernel Panic on Boot | Stack Overflow You can stream the kernel messages to a host file or console through it:

virtualbox ubuntu kernel panic

The serial port is an old and reliable communication protocol hardware that the Linux kernel supports and most emulators emulate.

Virtualbox ubuntu kernel panic